Friday, September 12, 2008

Rudi Krenz Jumps at Water Boogie 08

Photos by Kelly Cauffman

Rudi made 2 water jumps at this year's Water Boogie, his first jumps since his knee replacement surgery earlier this summer. As always Rudi's meticulous preparations led to 2 completely successful jumps. 


Sara said...

Thanks for the comment, JC. It looks like you all had a fun time at the Water Boogie. Before I left NM I actually meant to ask you... Jake said you had a couple good informational DVD's... what were their titles? I hope that obnoxious monsoon season is winding down :)

J.C. Brown said...

Check out the "Skydiving Survival Series" DVDs. It's a package of videos that range from EPs, to how to pack, to the all important art of flying your parachute. You can get it from just about any big gear store like Square One or Para Gear.